
Baraw Sugbo, was formerly called Arnes Diablo (Devil’s Shield), but with the approval of Gregorio “Oyong” Ceniza, Rene Capangpangan changed his name to Baraw Sugbo. The word “baraw” is the name for a knife (Cebuano Visayan) while Sugbo is an alternative name for Cebu. The story began with Lorenzo “Ensong” Saavedra, a patriarch of Eskrima in Cebu. Saavedra is said to have learned the basics of this art from an unknown, co-detained Frenchman, while he was in prison.

Baraw Sugbo is a system that was taught to Eskrima students by Saavedra, but in turn, he taught this to Lucresio “Okit” Albano (d. 1995) who taught his nephew Gregorio “Oyong” Toledo Ceniza (1925- 2007) from Maguikay, Mandaue City. From Saavedra to Oyong, the art was privately transmitted. The practice sessions were held in secret, with Oyong claiming that there were times when she had to cover the windows with a blanket while practicing just to make sure no one nearby could track or copy their techniques. But Oyong Ceniza started teaching all those interested in this art.